React Js Markdown

React Native Markdown Package is a library for implementing markdown syntax in React Native.

Getting started

To install this library, you can easily run this command from your project folder.

npm i react-native-markdown-package --save

Check this simple app for implementation example Example app

  1. A simple markdown editor with preview, implemented with React.js and TypeScript. CodeMirror component for React.
  2. Building actual projects is a great way to learn React and solidify some of its basic principles. So in this post we will be building a simple Markdown Previewer like what you see in the image.

How to use

What you need to do is import the react-native-markdown-package module and then use the<Markdown/> tag.

How to use?


A Simple React.js Form Example – Vegibit. At the checkout step, do not rush to 'checkout' before entering the markdown code. Build a Markdown Previewer ReactJS Project Free Code Camp Data Visualization Situation AFFILIATE LINKS:.All Affiliate Links Below are for products or c.

Here we are, take a look at this simple implementation:




Default style properties will be applied to the markdown. You could replace it with your preference by adding styles property like the example above.


React Markdown Parser

This prop will accept a function. This is a callback function for any link inside markdown syntax, so you could costumize the handler for onClick event from the link.

onLinkCallback should be a function that returns a promise.

NOTE :Email link (mailto) could be tested on real device only, it won't be able to test on Simulator as discuss in this StackOverflow

Thanks To

I'm very thankful to the contributors who help me to make this libary better:

This project was actually forked from lwansbrough , with some enhancements below :

  1. Styling method.

    Now you can easily add styling on each syntax, e.g. add different color either in strong, header, or another md syntax. All default styles in this package is also already moved to new file styles.js.

  2. Refactoring some codes to adopt ES6 style.

    Refactor index.js using ES6. :)

  3. Support Sublist.

    In the previous library, you couldn't add sublist. It was not supported. But now, this feature already added here. Please follow the instruction above...

  4. Latest release:

    • add Proptypes Support, (1.0.1)

    • Fix deprecated View.proptypes and update Readme (1.0.3)

    • Upgrade dependency, lodash, avoid vulnerabilities (1.1.0)

    • Fix performance issue, import only necessarry function from lodash (1.1.1)

    • Finalize Blockquote feature (1.2.0)

    • Update Docs (1.2.1)

    • Allow user to include plain text from variable using back tick (1.3.3)

    • New feature, codeblock (1.4.0)

    • New feature, on link handler (1.4.3)

    • Bug fix, Strike through issue (1.4.4)

    • Default Style for outer View, remove deprecated ComponentWillMount (1.5.0)

    • Allow user to replace default rules, update default font family for codeBlock on android (v1.6.0)

    • Update to use latest simple-markdown (v1.7.0)

    • Update to use latest simple-markdown (v1.8.0)

Markdown Editor For React. - GitHub Pages

Happy Coding... ;)