Wordpress Twenty Twenty

  1. Wordpress Twenty Twenty One Theme
  2. Wordpress 2020 Theme Examples
  3. Wordpress Twenty Twenty One
  4. Wordpress Twenty Twenty Menu

If you want to modify a theme which have regularly updated than you need to make create child theme. With child theme you can make change small modification and preserve the original theme design and functionality and still get update from the parent theme. Because the original newest theme from wordpress is twenty twenty theme , So in this tutorial i will show how create twenty twenty child theme.

Because the original newest theme from wordpress is twenty twenty theme, So in this tutorial i will show how create twenty twenty child theme. To make twenty-twenty child theme you must make folder twentytwenty-child in wp-content/themes/ and create style.css and functions.php.

  • Twenty Twenty is built on WordPress’s block editor and designed with flexibility in mind. This means that there’s a wide range of layouts and styles that you can easily build with the theme. There’s no need to spend hundreds of dollars on a premium theme when you can create a professional web design on a free WordPress theme.
  • Twenty Twenty には、 WordPress コミュニティからのフィードバックにより多くの言語で最適なスタイルが含まれています。 テーマはデフォルトでローカルシステムフォントを使用し、次の文字においてタイポグラフィの調節を行います。.

To make twenty-twenty child theme you must make folder twentytwenty-child in wp-content/themes/ and create style.css and functions.php
So the structure is like this :

Wordpress Twenty Twenty
  • wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child
  • wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/style.css
  • wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/functions.php
  • wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/screenshot.png (optional file , with size 1200×900)

Wordpress Twenty Twenty One Theme

Create twentytwenty-child folder


First you must go to directory /wp-content/themes/ than create a folder twentytwenty-child . This folder contain all modification for child theme. Make sure that folder has folder twentytwenty as parent theme so the child theme can work.

Create style.css

Wordpress 2020 Theme Examples

In folder twentytwenty-child create file style.css which has contain like this :

Note :

  • Theme Name : Your child theme name , it must be unique
  • Template : Your parent theme directory. Parent theme folder is twentytwenty
  • Text Domain : is to make theme translatable using po/mo files
Wordpress twenty twenty one child theme

Create functions.php

Wordpress Twenty Twenty One

In folder twentytwenty-child create file functions.php which has contain like this to include style.css from parent theme :

Wordpress Twenty Twenty Menu

That’s all the basic knowledge to modify / update Twenty Twenty child theme. It’s still basic but you can extend the functions and style. This child theme only change the title post background become red. After that to activate the theme from wp-admin in the Appearance -> Themes