Mamp Joomla

Mamp Joomla

May 28, 2020 To install Joomla you need a database to store data and access them. Ideally, MAMP connects Joomla to your database on a MySQL server. So, you don’t need to worry about getting a MySQL software, MAMP took care of it during the installation process. All you need to do now is create a database for your site. Learn how to install Joomla! With either WAMP (Windows) or MAMP (Mac) stacks, configure Joomla! On a web host, and move your site from a web-hosted environment to a local one—or vice versa. Plus, learn the keys to administering Joomla!, both locally and remotely, including updating Joomla! When the next version is released. If you’re anything like me, the confines of 4 walls is unpalatable. So you opt for working at the local coffee shop, book store or even the beach where there are signs of life other than your own pulse. But how can we do that when our work is so dependent on having an internet connection? With a couple of Macs, three apps and about an hour. MAMP PRO is a configuration application that helps you set up and run the Apache or Nginx web servers and the MySQL 5.7 database server. It also takes care of the configuration of different versions of PHP. MAMP PRO also comes with a text editor, and built in functionality to move your site to a remote host provider.

Mamp Pro Joomla

If you’re anything like me, the confines of 4 walls is unpalatable. So you opt for working at the local coffee shop, book store or even the beach where there are signs of life other than your own pulse. But how can we do that when our work is so dependent on having an internet connection? Simple. With a couple of Macs, three apps and about an hour, you can cut the cord — the Ethernet cord that is.

What you’ll need:

  • 2+ Macs
  • A Dropbox account (
  • MAMP or MAMP Pro (
  • SymbolicLinker 2.0 (
  • The latest Joomla build

Preparing your directories for syncing Joomla! files on your first machine:

  1. Install MAMP (or optionally MAMP Pro)
  2. Install Dropbox: when prompted, choose to change the location of the Dropbox folder. Place the folder in /Users/Shared rather than a specific user.
    “Why,” you ask, “should I put it in the Shared folder rather than the user folder?”
    There is a very good reason for it. The path will be used in Joomla’s configure.php file so the path needs to remain consistent whether you are working one Mac or another. If you use two different usernames, naturally that would be a problem; the path would work on one machine and not the other. You can always opt to create a user that is named exactly the same on all of your machines.
  3. Now that you have your Dropbox folder, create a directory inside of it for site files. I use _sites, but you can name it whatever you'd like.
  4. Now open MAMP and click the “Preferences” button. Go to the Apache tab and change the document root to: /Users/Shared/Dropbox/YOUR-SITE-DIRECTORY/.
    (In MAMP Pro, change you disk location to: /Users/Shared/Dropbox/YOUR-SITE_DIRECTORY/.) If you don't see the Disk Location box, look at the top left and make sure you are on the Hosts tab rather than the Server tab.
Mamp joomla

Preparing the databases for syncing on your first machine:

  1. Download and install SymbolicLinker 2.0
  2. Create db directory in Dropbox directory. I use _db. You can name it whatever you'd like.
  3. Ctrl + Click (or Right Click if you have that option) on the db directory you just created in Dropbox and choose “Make Symbolic Link”.
  4. Open a finder window and go to: Applications/MAMP/db. Copy the contents of the MAMP db directory to the database directory you made in your Dropbox.
    (In MAMP Pro, the databases are in a different directory: /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO).
  5. Delete the /db directory in /MAMP directory
    (In MAMP PRO /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO).
  6. Move db symbolic link you have created to /MAMP
    (In MAMP PRO /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO).
  7. Rename the Symbolic Link to: db (the same name of the MAMP db directory you deleted).

And finally, let's sync those other machines…

  1. Repeat steps 1-2 and 4-5 on your other Mac(s). You can skip step 3 because you already created the directory in Dropbox and it will automatically sync.
  2. Ctrl + Click (or Right Click if you have that option) the database directory you already created in Dropbox when setting up your first machine and choose “Make Symbolic Link”.
  3. Open a finder window and go to: Applications/MAMP/db. Delete the MAMP /db directory.
    (In MAMP Pro, delete the /db directory in: /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO).
  4. Move the Symbolic Link for the database directory from your Dropbox directory to: Applications/MAMP/
    (In MAMP Pro, move it to: /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO).
  5. Rename the Symbolic Link to: db
  6. Create your database with phpMyAdmin
  7. Add Joomla! files to your new website directory in Dropbox and install Joomla! as you normally would.
Mamp magento

Done. Dropbox needs a few minutes to sync depending on how much there is to sync. Take this time to pack your beach bag and don’t forget the sunscreen.


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Mamp Joomla

Mamp Joomla

Mac & Windows
Number of hostsunlimitedunlimited1
WebserverApache, NginxApache, NginxApache, Nginx
Database ServerMySQLMySQLMySQL
Programming LanguagesPHP, Python, Perl, RubyPHP, Python, Perl, RubyPHP, Python, Perl, Ruby
Programming languages available on the command line
Number of PHP versionsunlimitedunlimited2
PHP Cache
Cloudoptional (with costs)
Extended web server configuration
Configurable web server modules
MySQL Database Tools
One-Click Installation
WordPress Publisher
WordPress Import
WordPress Server Migration
Dynamic DNS
Postfix / SMTP configuration
Integrated Text Editor
(with RealView & Remote Editing)

(with RealView)
MAMP Viewer
free iOS and Android app
PHP Extensions
  • Xdebug
  • Tidy
  • Imagick/ImageMagick
  • Oauth
  • ...
  • Xdebug
  • Tidy
  • Imagick/ImageMagick
  • Oauth
  • ...
One-Click Installation
WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, ...
Extended host functions
Support via e-mail
Self-Service (Documentation, FAQ)
Stack Overflow