Firefox Wayland

Firefox 75 due to be released next month should finally have its native Wayland support in good order. Merged yesterday were the Firefox Wayland patches for VA-API video acceleration support in conjunction with FFmpeg. And so the slow, almost never-ending march towards Wayland continues. I wonder if the march will ever end. Since Firefox 65, it is possible to run Firefox natively under Wayland by launching it with the GDKBACKEND=wayland environment variable set after having emerged Firefox with the USE flag wayland enabled. Wofi, a pure GTK (and thus Wayland) customizable application launcher. Alacritty, a modern terminal that 'just works'. Firefox and/or Chromium in Wayland with working screen sharing. Emacs running fully in Wayland via brand-new pure GTK internals. Most QT applications running in Wayland. Steam games set up to consider Wayland, if they can. A replacement for X is currently being developed called Wayland. It would be nice if when Wayland comes out, Firefox would be ready and support Wayland without needing X. Reproducible: Always Wayland won't be ready for widespread use for some time.

With the update to FF83, screencasting through pipewire was no longer possible. It would be possible to select "Use operating system settings" and click "Allow" without errors o.

This section details the manual installation and configuration of Waylandcompositors and related services and utilities.


Unlike Xorg, Wayland implementations combine the display server,the window manager and the compositor in a single application.

Firefox Wayland Clipboard

Desktop Environments

Firefox Wayland Vaapi

GNOME, KDE Plasma and Enlightenment have Wayland sessions. GNOME uses itsWayland session by default. When using these desktop environments, applicationsbuilt with GTK+ will automatically choose the Wayland backend, while Qt5 and EFLapplications might require setting some environmentvariables if used outside KDE or Enlightenment,respectively.

Firefox Wayland

Standalone compositors

Void Linux currently packages the following Wayland compositors:

  • Weston: reference compositor for Wayland
  • Sway: an i3-compatible Wayland compositor
  • Wayfire: 3D Wayland compositor
  • Hikari: a stacking compositor with some tiling features
  • Cage: a Wayland kiosk

Video drivers

Both GNOME and KDE Plasma have EGLStreams backends for Wayland, which means theycan use the proprietary NVIDIA drivers. Most other Wayland compositors requiredrivers that implement the GBM interface. The main driver for this purpose isprovided by the mesa-dri package. The 'GraphicsDrivers' section has more details regardingsetting up graphics in different systems.


Seat management

Wayland compositors require some way of controlling the video display andaccessing input devices. In Void systems, this requires a seat manager service,which can be either elogind or seatd. Enabling them is explained in the'Session and Seat Management' session.

Native applications

Qt5-based applications requireinstalling the qt5-wayland package and setting the environment variableQT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl to enable their Wayland backend. Some KDE specificapplications also require installing the kwayland package.EFL-based applications requiresetting the environment variable ELM_DISPLAY=wl, and can have issues withoutit, due to not supporting XWayland properly.GTK+-based applicationsshould use the Wayland backend automatically. Information about other toolkitscan be found in the Waylanddocumentation.

Media applications, such as mpv(1),vlc(1) and imv work natively on Wayland.

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Web browsers

Mozilla Firefox ships with a Wayland backend which is disabled by default. Toenable the Wayland backend, either set the environment variableMOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 before running firefox or use the providedfirefox-wayland script.

Browsers based on GTK+ or Qt5, such as Midori andqutebrowser(1), should work onWayland natively.

Running X applications inside Wayland

If an application doesn't support Wayland, it can still be used in a Waylandcontext. XWayland is an X server that bridges this gap for most Waylandcompositors, and is installed as a dependency for most of them. Its package isxorg-server-xwayland. For Weston, the correct package is weston-xwayland.


The Wayland library uses the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable to determinethe directory for the Wayland socket.

Install elogind as your session manager toautomatically setup XDG_RUNTIME_DIR.

Alternatively, manually set the environment variable through the shell. Makesure to create a dedicated user directory and set its permissions to 700. Agood default location is /run/user/$(id -u).

It is also possible that some applications use the XDG_SESSION_TYPEenvironment variable in some way, which requires that you set it to wayland.