1. Coge Vj Software
  2. Coge Vj Construction

To address this, CoGe introduces Aligners, which are a special type of window that allows you to arrange other windows together into manageable organizational 'buckets.' Aligners are designed to sort windows into smaller groups, by showing only one window at a time by layering them like a deck of cards. CoGe is a platform for performing Comparative Genomics research. It provides an open-ended network of interconnected tools to manage, analyze, and visualize next-gen data.

Download at: set of visuals contains 3 abstract, 3D geometric one-shot visual hits. Use these in your live performances to trigger dy.

License Management

To de-activate a computer associated with your license and free-up an activation slot, you need to log in to the license manager using your Order ID and e-mail address:

Your can find your Order ID in the subject line of the fulfilment e-mail. If you lost your fulfilment e-mail, please let us know, so we can resend it to you.

After login, you will see the computers currently associated with your license. The de-activate any of them, move your mouse over the 'Active' field, and click on de-activate.

Activation problems

In case you cannot activate your copy because there are no more seats available, but the License Manager says you have free activation slots, please try empty the cache of CoGe on your computer. To do this:

  • Open Finder and select Go... > Go to Folder
  • Type in ~/Library/Caches and hit Enter
  • Move the com.lov.coge directory to the Trash, then empty the Trash

How could I record the output to video?

On the software side, with Syphon Recorder:

You can even use capture cards or multimedia recorders on the hardware side.

I lost my license. What should I do?

Drop us a message with your order details (e-mail or Order ID).

Download legacy versions

CoGe does not support OS X 10.8 anymore starting from version 1.8.5, however you can still download CoGe 1.8.4 which runs on OSX 10.8:

CoGe does not support OS X 10.7 anymore starting from version 1.7, however you can still download CoGe 1.6.6 which runs on OS X 10.7.5:

CoGe does not support OS X 10.6 anymore starting from version 1.6.1, however you can still download CoGe which runs on OS X 10.6.8:

OSX / macOS Compatibility

What should you do before upgrading to Mavericks?

  • Make sure all your gears are - MIDI devices, capture cards, etc. - compatible with 10.9.
  • Make sure all your softwares are compatible with 10.9.
  • Do a backup of your current system.

macOS 10.13 Sierra Compatibility

Is CoGe compatible with High Sierra?

Yes, version 1.8.1 is compatible with macOS 10.13 High Sierra, but in case you are running into any issues, please get in touch with us.

Known Issues

  • Some ISF shaders that performing float to int casting on nVidia hardware acts weirdly (macOS 10.13.0).

macOS 10.12 Sierra Compatibility

Is CoGe compatible with Sierra?

Yes, it is from version, but if you are running into any issues with CoGe on macOS 10.12, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Known Issues

  • The v002 Glitch plugins are not working due some security changes in macOS 10.12 Sierra.

OSX 10.11 El Capitan compatibility

Is CoGe compatible with El Capitan?

Yes, basically it is from version 1.6.3, but if you are running into any issues with CoGe on OS X 10.11, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

For the best performance on fullscreen, make sure the 'Displays have separate Spaces' option in the 'Mission Control' section of System Preferences is disabled when using external displays.

General Issues

Quartz Composer effects and Core Image filters are leaking memory in most of the circumstances, this is a system-wide general issue on OS X 10.11. We suggest to use ISF filters instead of Core Image and Quartz Composer, whenever it is possible.

Known issues

  • The Cube Transition is no longer exists on OSX 10.11Some QC based Dry/Wet modules are no longer working on OSX 10.11
  • MIDI Clock BPM may not be calculated right due some CoreAudio issues on OSX 10.11

Some QC modules seems to not working anymore on OSX 10.11 because of some OSX Core Image bugs:

  • Blazed Trails
  • Echo

The following Quartz Composer effects leaking memory which sooner or later results in a crash:

  • Kaleidoscope - use the Core Image Kaleidoscope effect instead

Some 3rd party QC FX not working, because of some new Core Image/Quartz Composer bugs:

  • v002 Optical Flow with Feedback

OSX 10.10 Yosemite compatibility

Is CoGe compatible with Yosemite?

Yes, basically it is from version, but if you are running into any issues with CoGe on 10.10, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

If you are using Hap codec, make sure you have the latest and greatest version installed:

For the best performance on fullscreen, make sure the 'Displays have separate Spaces' option in the 'Mission Control' section of System Preferences is disabled when using external displays.

It seems 10.10 finally fixing the OpenCL Core Image memory leak which has been introduced on 10.9.

OSX 10.9 Mavericks compatibility

Is CoGe compatible with Mavericks?

Yes, basically it is from version, but if you are running into any issues with CoGe on 10.9, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

If you are using Hap codec, you need to update it to make it work on Mavericks:

For the best performance on fullscreen, make sure the 'Displays have separate Spaces' option in the 'Mission Control' section of System Preferences is disabled when using external displays.

There is a system bug in OSX 10.9.0-10.9.5 where some Core Image filters results in a crash sooner or later because of a memory leak. All the Core Image blurs are affected, as well as the Chroma Key mixer. Maybe some of the blend modes too, but since Core Image can fallback to use OpenCL - which is the root of this issue - on 10.9 without any notice, anything which is Core Image related is probably dangerous on 10.9.

1.8.6 (Rev#982)


  • Vuo 1.2.8 support


  • Drawing issue on User Interface when running macOS 10.14 Mojave

1.8.5 (Rev#981)


  • Vuo 1.2.7 support

1.8.4 (Rev#980)


  • Push buttons now ignoring OSC values with value zero
  • ISF Effects and Transitions now using relative file path to the user library


  • Registered computer may deactivate suddenly
  • Toggle on Threshold mode affects Push buttons but it should not (Rev#978)


  • Rendering issues with ISF Generators and Effects - that use Persistent Buffers - like Optical Flow Distort (Rev#977)


  • ISF 'point2D' type parameters are not working

1.8.3 (Rev#976)


  • 30+ new ISF Effects and Generators


  • Slow QC thumbnail rendering may results in 2fps rendering for a while
  • Possible deadlock while searching for missing files using Spotlight
  • Some effects - like False Color - strips alpha channel
  • If we cannot generate thumbnail for a Vuo composition, display a Vuo icon at least

1.8.2 (Rev#974)


  • Possible crash after removing a ModulView which contains a TextField
  • Crash in the QC rendering IPC process when a QC composition is missing or cannot be initialised
  • State of OSC/MIDI Sending on Matrixes inside Modules are always off when using Manual Sending
  • Matrixes in Modules always send zero with OSC Feedback if Single OSC Message has been enabled

1.8.1 (Rev#971)


  • New FX: Panels


  • Center parameters of Ripples FX not working
  • Some UI items does not honour the global 'Matrixes Using Single OSC Message By Default' preference
  • Some ISF files that using external .vs files are not working

1.8 (Rev#969)


  • ISF Generator support
  • New, IPC-based QC/ISF thumbnail generator engine
  • Vuo 1.2.6 support


  • Crash when creating QC thumbnails when the QC Composition using OpenCL
  • Remove Current Bank function does not remove QC/Vuo Players
  • Some ISF Point2D parameters are not working properly

1.7.7 (Rev#962)


  • Crash when changing the color of a ColorWell
  • Crash when saving a project which contains ColorWells

1.7.6 (Rev#961)


  • Added buttons to cycle-thru Aligned items inside Aligners


  • Crash on selecting a Gadget inside an Aligner after an Aligner has been deleted
  • ClipSynths hold the last rendered frame when there is no turned on Player module on macOS 10.12 Sierra
  • Rendering slowdown when scrolling the UI while a ColorWell changing it's color quickly
  • Rendering slowdown when scrolling the UI while a Movie Player's Playhead driven by an Automation module

1.7.5 (Rev#957)


  • Default OSC commands of Media Slots and Media Banks do not working when they are not using the Single OSC Message mode
  • A threading issue around drawing Sliders
  • Possible crash around deleting an FXChain
  • Crash when no Audio Output device is available
  • Possible crash on removing modules that contains textfields
  • Crash when trying to collapse the Main Out Window when it is fullscreen-ed

1.7.4 (Rev#954)


  • Added support for Ableton Link


  • MIDI sending preferences of FX and Seq buttons do not saved and restored on ClipSynths

1.7.3 (Rev#953)


  • Optimised UI drawing
  • Added option to clear the Current Media Bank to the Media Slot right-click menu
  • Added Vuo 1.2.5 SDK


  • ClipSynths or other gadget may stop updating their UI after a while
  • RAM Preload failing after project loading in certain circumstances
  • Cannot load Media and Media Bank Presets in certain circumstances
  • Medias won't play after loading a Media Bank Preset

1.7.2 (Rev#946)


  • Added Vuo 1.2.4 framework


  • Cannot playback movies or still images in rare circumstances
  • Crash on relinking missing files via Spotlight
  • Sin64.qtz is broken
  • Slider's processing behavior 'Only when Parent module turned on' is broken on LayerControls
  • Possible crash after closing a project due incoming MIDI/OSC messages
  • Possible crash when changing automations on Sliders

1.7.1 (Rev#942)


  • Support for ISFv2 Effects and Transitions
  • New Blend based ISF Transitions


  • Reset button of Layer Control should only reset to default values and do not clear everything
  • Syphon Sources should reconnect to the last used but disconnected server when it reappears
  • Rare crash when resetting the peak views of AudioAnalysis
  • Some ISF Transition Modules does not work well as Dry/Wet Blend
  • Rare crash when deleting an FXChain which is in use by a Layer Source
  • Crash in rare circumstances while relinking missing files by Spotlight
  • FXChain Presets should not restore their names if that is not customized
  • Fixes a crashing issue with Aligners
  • MIDI/OSC mappings not going to be redrawn in mapping mode in some circumstances (Rev#935)


  • Includes Vuo SDK 1.2.3


  • Possible crash when switching Media Banks in certain circumstances
  • Aligner items lose Key Mappings when an item going to be removed from the Aligner
  • XY and Color parameters of modules won't be listed as Slider Sync: sources (Rev#932)


  • Includes Vuo SDK 1.2.2


  • Crash on saving Media Bank Preset after relinking missing files
  • Key/MIDI/OSC mapping does not restart playback in One-Shot playback mode after the movie did reach end
  • Selecting a gadget from the Interface menu detaching it from an Aligner
  • Aligners do not send MIDI or OSC
  • MIDI Talkback sends CC value 1 instead of 127 on Matrixes
  • Fixes a possible crashing bug when relinking missing files via Spotlight
  • Potential rendering issue with Quartz Composer content
  • Removing the content of a Media Slot marks the slot empty, but does not remove the content
  • ISF Files in subdirectories won't be scanned
  • The Image Player stop rendering when changing the Layer Render Size to a greater value (Rev#926)


  • The Quicktime and the Image players are not working on OSX 10.8.5
  • QC Mixer modules rendering wrong when Mixer and Layer rendering sizes are different
  • DualHead ISF mixer stretches the image on the right side
  • Tap is allowed while synced to an External MIDI Clock source
  • Possible crash when disconnection a MIDI Clock source
  • Some buttons cannot send MIDI or OSC messages

1.7 (Rev#921)

Major new release with stability and other improvements.


  • New, IPC based Media playback engine
  • 64bit Quartz Composer rendering
  • Preview renders at half-FPS by default, added option to render at full-FPS
  • Added option to set MIDI velocity for turned-off Buttons
  • Added default OSC messages to Sliders In-Out points
  • Removed QC-based Dry/Wet functionality
  • Support for multi-argument OSC messages
  • 60FPS rendering mode has been removed
  • Dropped support for OSX 10.7


  • The Blazed Trail and Echo QC effects are working again
  • Problem when replacing preloaded movie loops, which may results in unexpected behaviours
  • QT Player's Trigger From Last Position does not working when switching between different media types
  • Scrubbing the movie player's playhead is slow
  • Switching the content of the active media slot results in turned off Quicktime player
  • Cannot restore collapsed Audio Analysis on launch

1.6.6 (Rev#897)

Minor release with new features and bug fixes.


  • ISF Dry/Wet and Mixer modules - 25 new high performance modules and ISF MIX protocol specification
  • New ISF FX: ASCII Art


  • Slow performance of Photo-Jpeg movies on OSX 10.11 El Capitan
  • Crash while relinking files via Spotlight
  • Crash when closing a ClipSynth which has Vuo composition that are not fully loaded yet

1.6.5 (Rev#890)

Minor release with new features and bug fixes.


  • Enhanced rendering performance with Vuo Generators and Effects


  • Crash when trying to apply invalid OSC output port and IP values
  • The Image Player module may make some QC-texturizing not working
  • Rendering issues with Vuo composition when changing the rendering resolution on the fly
  • Cannot click on Media Bank switch button on collapsed ClipSynths
  • Crash with the old and unsupported CoGeMovie players
  • Uppercase file extensions with movies won't play
  • Quicktime Movie Player's 'Trigger from Last Position' function not working with non-RAM-preloaded movies (Rev#886)

Minor release with bug fixes and enhancements.


  • Don't ask for clearing the project if you don't have any gadgets created
  • Swapping Media Slots containing QC Compositions does not reset the state of the parameter UI
  • Added support for Color Type Vuo inputs
  • Allow use of the fontName special parameter for Vuo Compositions


  • Opacity problems with Vuo Compositions
  • Crash when a published QC input with Index type has invalid min/max range
  • Swapping Media Slots containing QC Compositions may results in mixed up thumbnails (Rev#884)

Minor release with bug fixes.


  • Updated to Vuo 1.2 SDK


  • Rendering problems with ISF effects applied on the Master Mixer
  • Rendering problems with some multi-pass ISF effects
  • Animated GIF files does not working with the Native QT Player (Rev#881)

Minor release with bug fixes.


  • Random crash when switching between banks using the Quicktime/Image Player
  • Crash when preloading with the old CoGeMovie players

1.6.4 (Rev#879)

Minor release with new features bug fixes.


  • ISF FX Support
  • Vuo FX Support
  • Added Mask Blend mode
  • Added super-slow LFOs
  • Removed RamDisk feature (use Player-level Ram Preload instead)


  • Crash around Movie RAM preloading in low memory circumstances
  • Crash when creating a VideoInput when no camera available
  • Sliders of Vuo modules do not show up as Sync: sources (Rev#862)

Minor release with bug fixes.


  • Crash when changing between Blending modes on LayerGroup items
  • OSC sending not working on Sequencer buttons (Rev#859)

Minor release with OSX 10.11 related fixes


  • Crash when changing Blend modes
  • Some QC modules are not working on OSX 10.11
  • Core Image blend modes are crashing on OSX 10.11

The following modules has been added, for fixing issues for OSX 10.11 :

  • ZoomEcho 1.0.1 (use this on OSX 10.11 and 1.0 on OSX 10.7, 10.8. 10.9 and 10.10)
  • Iterator Cube 1.0.1 (use this on OSX 10.11 and 1.0 on OSX 10.7, 10.8. 10.9 and 10.10)
  • Iterator Cylinder 1.0.1 (use this on OSX 10.11 and 1.0 on OSX 10.7, 10.8. 10.9 and 10.10)
  • Iterator Sphere 1.0.1 (use this on OSX 10.11 and 1.0 on OSX 10.7, 10.8. 10.9 and 10.10)
  • qVortex 1.0.1 (use this on OSX 10.11 and 1.0 on OSX 10.7, 10.8. 10.9 and 10.10)
  • Overlay with Opacity (replaced)

1.6.3 (Rev#857)

Adds OS X 10.11 El Capitan compatibility. It also includes the latest Vuo 1.2 alpha SDK and allows to define the base BPM on the QT movie player.


  • Native Image Player crashing with certain source image formats
  • Memory management issue with some Quartz Composer effects on 10.9/10.10
  • Rendering issues with portrait size movies and still images
  • RAM Preload may leaking memory
  • Some generators crashing on 10.9/10.10
  • Cannot generate thumbnail for certain movie loops (Rev#842)


  • Crash when trying to init an invalid QC composition
  • The Movie Player won't start after project loaded in some circumstances
  • EffectChains used by multiple sources may results in blinking on output
  • Cannot trigger an empty slot with the Native Image player
  • AudioAnalysis won't pick up the selected device after loading a project
  • Text field too small on Slider's Set Value: menu
  • Incoming MIDI/OSC messages processed while loading a project which may leads to a crash
  • Some QC compositions cannot render correctly after generating their thumbnail
  • Crash when a QC composition has invalid min/max values
  • Player Container may shows multiple Players as active
  • Buttons report multiple Sync sources enabled in the Use Source: menu
  • Rendering blocks while scrolling a Module Container which has Source-Synced buttons
  • measurePosition's resolution is low (Rev#835)


  • Crash with Color type inputs (Rev#834)


  • Added the Vuo 1.1 SDK
  • Initialising of Vuo Composition now asynchronous
  • Enhanced Vuo rendering performance in some circumstances
  • Enhanced triggering speed of still images with the Native Image Player
  • Color picker views shows alpha with checkerboard


  • Mixers may not working when one of the input sources is a blank frame
  • Crash on image preloading in low available memory conditions
  • Source Over shader losing transparency when both sources have alpha channel
  • Opacity does not working with the Native Image Player

1.6.2 (Rev#828)


  • Brand new AudioAnalysis engine


  • Color/Opacity problems with some Quartz Compositions
  • Preview won't render when the Main output is collapsed
  • Cannot remove MIDI assigns via Remove MIDI menu item on matrixes
  • Movie Slicer player does not working video on the 12th slot
  • Crash when swapping Media Slots **(Rev#819)


  • Crash when using the Native Image player and switching between Media Banks
  • Crash when chaining together LayerGroups
  • Running out of memory while trying to RAM Preload movies

1.6.1 (Rev#816)

Important: CoGe 1.6.1 requires at least OS X 10.7 or later!

Please read our blog post about this version which covers the most important changes:


  • Major improvements in the rendering pipeline
  • Enhanced VideoInputs
  • Added option to rebuild default OSC addresses
  • Support for OSC standard colours
  • Solo mode for LayerGroup layers
  • Support published parameters with Vuo Compositions
  • Enhanced Preview
  • Added option to enabled/disable Font Previews
  • QC Compositions have access to the AudioAnalysis structure
  • Added default OSC message to Layer Controls
  • OSC Talkback on sliders replies between the 0-1.0 range


  • Crash while resizing the Main Out or Preview window
  • Crash when connect a Core Image blend mode enabled layer to a FreeFrame effect
  • Multiple FreeFrame plugins with the same name won't be listed
  • Native Image Player always preloads
  • Selecting a clip when APS turned off disables the QT player
  • Crash when trying to load a project which has missing FreeFrame plugins
  • Random crashes when deallocating sliders
  • LayerControls auto-buttons does not have default OSC addresses
  • VideoInput source menu is not sorted
  • Crash if trying to load Behaviour or Control module that does not have the mandatory outValue port
  • Creating a new Layer will remove the current Key binding on the Master Mixer output selector
  • Problems with Opacity when rendering thru EffectChains
  • Shader based blend modes does not handle Opacity
  • Preview may not clear itself
  • Band displays of Audio Analysis react to shift+click
  • Cannot playback clips with the QT player after changing the size of the RAM disk
  • Show LC button may act inverted after loading a project
  • Movies may playing out of range in certain circumstances
  • Gatekeeper on 10.8.5 reports CoGe as damaged (Fixed by the Vuo SDK)
  • Glitchy rendering on the Master FX in certain circumstances
  • FreeFrame plugins that has image inputs may leak OpenGL memory
  • Native Image Player does not listed in APS
  • Talkback with Single OSC messages sends useless values
  • MIDI/OSC talkback settings may not applied with newly created gadgets
  • Slider Syncs may show up as missing files
  • UI widgets may processing random MIDI/OSC messages while CoGe is in MIDI/OSC mapping mode (Rev#803)


  • QC patches using OpenCL may results in a crash on quit
  • Matrixes may try to processing incoming OSC messages while dealloc which may results in a crash
  • Ram disk cannot detached on quit in certain circumstances
  • Cannot drive the Playhead slider of the QT movie player with Sync or other non-QC based sources
  • Crash when trying to create an APS player which is does not exist (Rev#800)


  • LayerControls won't working with the QT movie player when the movie is paused
  • LayerControls working wrong with the QT movie player
  • OSC sends extra values on playhead when trying to move the playhead outside the current in-out points
  • Matrixes on ClipSynths have unusable default OSC messages when Use Single OSC message is not enabled by default
  • The QT movie player does not send the playhead with OSC and MIDI
  • Chrome Key mixer is broken
  • Switching between ClipSynths may results QT movie players loosing in-out points
  • After selecting a movies In point playback may stop

1.6 (Rev#796)


  • Layer Controls for all Layer type sources
  • Shader based Blend modes in Layer Groups
  • Native Image Player
  • Preview Media Banks
  • (Experimental) Vuo playback support
  • QT player could continue playback while an Automation module has been applied
  • Option added to disallow triggering of empty Media Slots
  • Option added to use native resolution on VideoInput
  • 10.10 compatibility
  • Enhanced Preview rendering
  • Enhanced triggering performance with RAM preloaded movies
  • Allow Control modules to access AudioAnalysis structure


  • Sync To: menu always display the initial name of gadgets
  • Playhead of the Native QT Player may shows incorrect values when a behaviour module has been applied
  • Cannot reset a slider which has a behaviour module
  • Syncing a slider to a source does not remove the applied Automation module
  • Native players may render in the background while they are not selected
  • After Media Slot swapping thumbnail won't be generated in certain circumstances
  • Sync To: does not working with Sequencers
  • Cannot sync the Native Movie Player's Playhead slider to other sources
  • Native players won't be created while loading a project in certain circumstances
  • Possible crash with the Native Quicktime module when parent ClipSynth change its usage state
  • After switch between QC and video playback, the video won't start playback again
  • QC patches containing Mesh Creator patch triggers an issue which results in blank frames with video playback (Rev#776)


  • Slider sources may not removed from the Sync To: list after clearing a project
  • Select a VideoInput may trigger a crash (Rev#774)


  • VideoInputs not working properly after loading a project
  • Crash with VideoInputs if rendering size does not match cam's native resolution
  • BPM field allows comma as decimal separator while editing instead of point
  • Possible crash while searching for missing files
  • Key events sometimes not recognised
  • Media Slot swapping not working properly
  • The really unstable LumaOffset FreeFrame plugin has been blocked

1.5.2 (Rev#769)

Important performance and stability improvements.


  • A new, native Quicktime Movie player module
  • OpenGL blend modes for LayerGroup items
  • Rendering pipeline optimisations
  • Added option to the Preferences to set the global behaviour of using Single OSC message on Matrixes
  • Sync sliders together using Sync to: from the right-click menu


  • Beachballing when installing update if using Display Driven rendering mode
  • Media Bank and other matrixes do not send OSC and MIDI messages
  • Colorspace conversion issues with Core Image filters/blend modes
  • Possible crash when loading a Media Preset to a collapsed ClipSynth

1.5.1 (Rev#757)

Minor release with new features and fixes


  • Support for FreeFrame/FreeFrameGL effects
  • Collect Files and Save a Copy
  • Speed up and better results with Spotlight search for Missing Files


  • After loading a project the preview may show wrong source
  • Rendering issue when different layer and mixer rendering size had set
  • Memory leaks
  • Crash on quit in certain circumstances
  • Possible crash when some files are missing from the project
  • Thumbnail drawing may block rendering (Rev#747)

Bug fix release.


  • Latency when triggering movies with CoGeMoviePlayers in some circumstances
  • CoGeMoviePlayer outputs blank frame when the movie is paused
  • Mouse cursor turns to be hidden while swapping slots
  • Subrange on the playhead of CoGeMoviePlayer not working
  • Cannot restart the app after update (Rev#741)

Bug fix release with some little enhancements.


  • Added APS category for Gif files
  • Added option to Add All Layers for LayerGroups


  • Sliders sends multiple OSC/MIDI messages with the same value
  • Cannot disable Sequencer triggers with mouse
  • LayerGroup won't render when FX is on but there is no EffectChain
  • Matrixes uses Single OSC Messages react to the same OSC message multiple times after loading a project
  • Rendering glitches when Anti-aliasing is enabled and the Mixer has different resolution then Layers
  • Possible crash when removing a module
  • Core Image effects don't honour rendering size changes
  • Occupied OSC ports not handled well
  • Possible crash when deleting MIDI/OSC mappings
  • Threading issues related to OSC/MIDI and drawing (Rev#730)

Bug fix release.


  • LayerGroup does not restore it's correct height when loading a project
  • SWP player does not working
  • Apply an EffectChain on a blank source may results a crash
  • CoGeMoviePlayer cannot playback ProRes 4444 movies (Rev#726)

Bug fix release.


  • Possible crash when saving a project with LFOs in rare circumstances
  • Dropping a QC composition to a collapsed ClipSynth may results in a crash
  • Crash in LayerGroup when trying to change to opacity of a layer which is empty
  • Crash in modules using inputImages parameter when the selected source is blank

1.5 (Rev#724)


  • Enhanced rendering pipeline
  • Support for multiple video outputs
  • Media Bank Presets. Now you can save all the Banks of a ClipSynth to a preset file (.cmp).
  • Button for triggering the next or previous Media Bank on the collapsed ClipSynths
  • Use Source: menu item on buttons, so now you can trigger buttons with a Sequencer or sync to LFOs
  • Set Sliders’ In/Out point by manual value
  • Defaults OSC messages for most of controls: most of the UI items now have an assigned OSC namespace after launch or gadget creation. Saves a lot of time if you want to control CoGe with OSC, like TouchOSC or VezĂ©r.
  • Allow controlling of matrixes with OSC value of a single OSC message: right click on the matrix, and check Uses Single OSC option. Requires floats, like /matrix 3.0 -> selects the matrix 3rd item
  • Reset modules to default settings option added to modules on/off buttons right-click menu
  • High Contrast mode in addition to theme color selector
  • RAM Preload option for faster movie triggering with CoGeMovie players
  • Resync button: jumps back to the first beat when using Manual/Tap mode
  • Import from Finder option has been added to load content to Media Slots
  • New crash reporting system


  • Crash while loading a project in certain circumstances
  • Fix crash when an Image Player trying to access to a movie file
  • Cannot create thumbnails for QC Composition (especially on 10.9).
  • CoGeMovie Player stops displaying frames in some circumstances
  • Buttons and matrixes reacts slow under some circumstances
  • Cannot generate thumbnail for some movie types (HAP, AIC, etc.)
  • Crash when removing LayerGroup items
  • Crash on stop movie with CoGeMoviePlayer
  • CC mode of LPD not working with MIDI Talkback
  • Sliders not handling automation processing behaviours well with QC compositions
  • Do not allow setting BPM manually when sync to clock/OSC set

Coge Vj Software (Rev#671)

Bug fix release.


  • Issues with offline license handling
  • Output audio-device fallback to the default device in some circumstances (Rev#669)

Its a bug fixes release.


  • LayerGroups inside LayerGroups don't render their LayerSources in some circumstances
  • Filling multiple Media Banks with Quartz Composer composition with a single drop may produces various issues
  • Create snapshot function may crash with big rendering resolution
  • Slider's out-point draws wrong in certain circumstances
  • Slider processing behaviour not working as expected
  • Some additional small fixes

1.4.3 (Rev#658)

Its a minor release with some new features and bug fixes.

New features, enhancements:

  • Toggle on Threshold mode for buttons (with MIDI CC and OSC)
  • Add custom MIDI velocity for EMPTY slots
  • Using LayerGroups as layer sources inside LayerGroups
  • MIDI/OSC assign feature for Sliders' In-Out point
  • Removed the restriction of loading projects/presets in demo mode
  • New Mixer: Push X
  • New Effect: 3 Slices


  • Gadgets have custom names inside an Aligner may don't update their name after the project loaded
  • Cannot remove LayerGroup from Aligner
  • Crash when changing a color picker with removed parent module
  • Some effect cause CoGeMoviePlayer rendering black
  • Slower triggering of movie files with CoGeMoviePlayer than the others
  • Possible problem with handling MIDI CC messages on Media Slots
  • CoGeMoviePlayer slow on looping
  • Automations might be corrupted after loading a project in certain circumstances
  • WebKit players renders wrong on Macs with Retina display
  • Automation state of colour type inputs' RGBA sliders may not restored when loading a project/preset (Rev#645)

Its a minor release with important bug fixes.


  • Delay on clip triggering with MIDI (with some additional MIDI related fixes/changes)
  • Modules not removed from the Master Mixer when creating a clear project
  • Some CIFilters may interrupt modules menu building because of an exception
  • Rendering problems with CoGeMovie Player in some circumstances

1.4.2 (Rev#639)

Its a minor release with some new features and bug fixes.

New features, enhancements:

  • Search option for modules in right-click menus
  • Enhancement of rendering performance in several circumstances
  • Added Trigger Next & Bank feature to CoGeMovie players
  • New Player: Simple Movie with No Reset on Trigger
  • Momentary Key mode for Buttons
  • Redesigned Key Map handling pipeline
  • Add support for the new GPU accelerated codec family: Hap
  • Bunch of new 16/32 LFOs
  • New FX: HV Stretch


  • Crash with VideoInputs in some circumstances
  • AudioAnalysis won't reset itself while clearing a project
  • Momentary modes should not to be listed on push-style buttons
  • Wrong order of gadgets name after 10 items
  • Sliders don't respect in-out points while scrubbing with the mouse when a behavior module selected
  • CoGeMoviePlayer renders wrong when movies are not in square pixels format
  • CoGe may going to be unresponsive/crash while changing the automation on the playhead slider of CoGeMoviePlayer
  • Media Bank matrix cells with MIDI/OSC may not deallocated when a ClipSynth removed and this may produce a crash
  • MIDI input/output preferences may reset when a device plugged/unplugged
  • Problems with synced source automations on Core Image filters after loading a project
  • Minor UI changes (Rev#608)

It is a bug-fix release.


  • RamDisk sizing issues (negative size listed)
  • Enhance FXChains rendering speed in some circumstances
  • Toggle Show Players button via OSC may result in hang
  • Crash on quit with some projects created with an older version
  • No media thumbnails displayed after a project loaded with project files created with an older version
  • Possible crash when resizing windows
  • MIDI Talkback doesn't work on some buttons
  • Random crashes when initing a VideoInput
  • MIDI/OSC map popup may remain visible in certain circumstances when it should disappear
  • Some other minor UI fixes

1.4.1 (Rev#597)

Minor release with fixes and a couple of new features.

New features:

  • Colour type inputs now generates sliders for RGBA values additionally for the color pickers.
  • When loading a project, RamDisk state will be restored
  • Auto-learn MIDI/OSC on Matrixes (Media Slots, Media Bank cells, etc. ) (hold Shift key when MIDI mapping a cell)
  • Date column added to Projects/Presets Explorer
  • Collapse/Expand gadgets by double-clicking on their title bar
  • Popup window for better inspect of MIDI/OSC assignments


  • CoGeMoviePlayer can't get the current movie's index when switching between players
  • Simple mesh loader's renderer needs to be set to Over to handle transparency
  • Controlling buttons with MIDI or OSC may produce issues with actions related to-right click menus, like module add
  • Fixes issues with restoring Aligners when loading a project
  • Fixes issues with loading project from Finder
  • Windows may restored with small gaps around when loading a project
  • A possible problem with restoring buttons during project loading, related to MIDI sending
  • Possible problems with changed modules and loading
  • Items react incoming OSC signals during OSC learn
  • Possible crash related to rebuilding matrixes when layers changed
  • Project loading may produce a crash if the project contains WebKit players
  • http items shows up as missing files
  • Problems with mirrored loop mode in CoGeMovie player
  • MIDI/OSC handling going to be slow if many message coming
  • Sequencer On/Off toggle miss MIDI/OSC sending features
  • Matrixes doesn't save/load custom MIDI/OSC sending preferences and may reset them when sources list changes
  • Some of Sequencers' buttons don't store/restore MIDI/OSC mappings
  • Preview window renders garbage on collapse/expand if there was not preview input selected
  • Going to fullscreen after the external display disconnected may throw an exception
  • Output audio-device fallback to the default device in some circumstances
  • Core Image effects compatibility check
  • Searching for missing files via Spotlight may throw an exception in some circumstances
  • Possible crash when changing source on VideoInputs
  • LayerGroupItems render wrong in some circumstances
  • CoGeMoviePlayer produces slower performance than others (Rev#544)

It's a bug fix release, with the following fixes/changes:

  • VideoInputs get frames at the resolution of layer rendering, instead of native resolution. This could do a performance boost
  • Fixes a possible crash on project clearing/loading/quit with MIDI/OSC sending
  • LayerItem button won't show up VideoInputs as replacements for current layer's source in the right-click menu
  • Removing QC modules may screw up next renderer
  • Memory management fixes with creating/loading Gadgets
  • Fixes and issue with license activation
  • Possible crash when removing LayerGroups

1.4 (Rev#534)

New features:

  • CoGe is signed with Apple Developer ID certificate, so its compatible with Mountain Lion's default GateKeeper settings.
  • Setting value on Sliders manually now supported: a Set Value: optionto the contextual (right-click) menu added with a textfield for sliders.
  • Adds Dry/Wet fader for Effects, with new type of modules: Blends. You can fade between the dry and wet image using the selected Blend module like a mixer. A couple of blend modules installed with the beta for testing purposes, the template for blend also added.
  • Layer Group items using system-wide Core Image blend modes instead of simple Over/Add. The rendering task if Layer Group has been rewritten from scratch for better performance.
  • CoGe now supports using system-wide Core Image filters as effects as an addition to the current QC module based effects.
  • Added Create PNG Snapshot function to the Output menu. It generates a .png snapshot from the Main Output to your account's Pictures folder. The snapshot generation happens in the background, so it is not bother rendering.
  • Behavior modules for sliders. Behavior is a new kind of QC module type for sliders, they are processed on each render pass, but you can manage them to act only when the sliders' value changed. You will find the template with the available input ports in the modules/templates folder. The feature is available only for sliders from the right-click menu. There are some modules this build will installs, like Invert - which is a replacement for the previous built-in Invert feature, various Smoothing controls, and a Randomize function which randomise a value when a slider gets a new value, for example, with a MIDI controllers. Moving a slider with your mouse skips Behavior processing!
  • A new behavior added for handling dropped files to the Preferences-Behavior pane: Fill Media Banks when dropping much files to a ClipSynth. If this feature is enabled and you drop more files then the slots available on the current ClipSynth, CoGe will automatically add the remaining files to the next Media Bank(s).
  • New behavior of media thumbnail generation: from now CoGe caches the generated thumbnails within a project, so it won't re-generating thumbnails on a Media Bank change event. The whole thumbnail generating procedure changed under the hood to be more effective (faster & needs less system resource).
  • The Copy-To-RamDisk management is fully redesigned. Now it displays how many items need to be copied, it doesn't bother rendering, and media files outside the current, active media bank can be RamDisk loaded as well - this can be super-handy when loading a project.
  • Copy-To-RamDisk feature now restricted to movie and image types.
  • The size of the maximum RamDisk you can create is handled dynamically from now depending on the available free system memory.
  • Added WebFiles type for APS players (html and php for now) with the new WebFiles Player inside WebKit category.
  • The Outputs menu now contains an item where you can select the destination screen for fullscreen
  • Adds Bonjour based OSC output auto-detect function to OSC preferences. You can select the OSC destination from a popup menu, which is super-handy when using OSC Talkback with apps like TouchOSC.
  • OSC settings now displays host IP address
  • Adds MIDI/OSC sending and MIDI/OSC assign features for Media Slots and Matrixes
  • New Modules:

    • Players: CoGeMovie (Slider-Speed), WebFiles
    • Blends: Add, Color Burn, Color Dodge, Difference, Hue, Multiply, Over, Passthrough, Subtract, Wipe H, Wipe V

Bugs fixed:

  • Removing a Collapsed ClipSynth may throws an exception
  • Restoring sliders during a project load session may hang on 10.6.8
  • Memory management issues with CoGeMovie player, especially with .mp4 and h.264 coded files (but those file types are still NOT recommended!)
  • Media Bank changing doesn't stop thumbnail generation for previous selected Bank
  • RamDisk copy operation doesn't bother rendering of the current file anymore.
  • Video Inputs may blocking the Quit process from the applications
  • Problem with OSC Talkback on matrixes with project/preset load
  • CoGe can't remove RamDisk when quitting if CoGeMovie Player used
  • CoGeMoviePlayer resets playback when the ClipSynth come back to use from un-used state but last-played position checked
  • Crash when going to fullscreen with nVidia 330M graphics card
  • EffectChains may rendering with wrong dimensions
  • Minor UI tweaks and changes
  • Fixes memory management issues related to removing modules using automation, and triggering a new project
  • Restoring video inputs may hang project load
  • Mixer may lose Mixer Container in certain circumstances
  • Memory management issues with QC module handling
  • Turning off the Sequencer of a ClipSynth while its not rendering still not make the media slots to accept key/midi/osc/mouse events
  • Fixes an issue with reloading project with sliders using sources for automation
  • Aligners may restored on wrong position
  • Changing name of a ClipSynth which is used in a LayerGroup doesn't change the name on the LayerGroup item in some circumstances
  • FXChains used on multiple layers or having effects inside with CIAccumulator may produce wrong frames
  • Fixes issues with modules having inputImages parameter during project loading (Rev#426)

New features:

  • Now you can set up MIDI Velocity values will be send with various states of Media Slots, Buttons in the MIDI Preferences
  • Added center point selectors for Zoom Echo FX
  • Added 'Bring all collapsed windows to front' option to Interface menu

Bugs fixed:

  • Effects containing QC Image Accumulator may holding frames from other sources or the last frame if the current image is blank
  • CoGe list hidden system files in the modules menu
  • BPM Clock source setting not restored when loading a project
  • Key bindings set on Preview Source doesn't fire selecting action after a project loaded
  • Momentary MIDI Mode doesn't show current state in contextual-menu
  • Aligned Gadgets may be restored on wrong position
  • Changing name of a Gadget on 10.7 may throw an exception
  • Rendering size may be 1x1 pixel if CoGe never was installed before
  • 3D Zoom Blur FX has wrong depth testing test (Rev#413)

New features, behavior changes:

  • Added 'Send a message with all enabled senders' feature for syncronize current interface state with MIDI/OSC devices to Output menu
  • New behavior: after a project/preset load, the 'Send a message with all enabled senders' will be triggered once automagically
  • New behavior: Reload button on Audio Analysis should only reload audio device from now, not reseting the whole Audio Analysis
  • Installs a new control category: Beat-Synced Randoms
  • Installs a new mixer to Heads2Go-]SextupleHead
  • Installs a new mixer to Special-]4x4

Bugs fixed:

  • A bug with validating license on startup
  • Switching to Mirrored loop mode in CoGeMovie player screw up Trigger Next loop mode
  • Loading presets may produce a crash, especially on 10.7.4
  • Control modules don't get currentBeat parameter
  • Calculation of Audio Analysis values going to be wrong if the destination slider's min and max values are out of the 0-1 range
  • CoGe cannot remove some uncompatible Quartz Composer plugins on start because the missing permissions
  • Changed Layer Group Items behavior - they will be created with off state like effects
  • LayerGroup doesn't render if its Syphon server is in use but it is not a selected layer source anywhere in CoGe
  • CoGeMoviePlayer should not try and should not to be able to load QTZ compositions
  • Buttons and Matrixes may shows OSC values sending when they don't send anything
  • Enabling Show Enabled OSC Senders feature throws an exception on collapsed ClipSynts
  • Sequencers don't save/load Key/MIDI/OSC bindings on Trigger buttons
  • Sequencers multi-cell actions don't send state of all cells thru MIDI/OSC
  • Deleting a LayerGroup may produce a crash
  • Media Slots send their On state twice when Talkback enabled
  • Problem with setting min/max range of sliders with non-zero minimum value
  • Fast switching Media Banks may produce a crash
  • Bug fixes with various effects (Zoom Echo, RGB Channel Shift, Blazed Trails, Retro)
  • CoGeMoviePlayer performance goes down when using automation to control Playhead
  • Usage calculation of LayerGroups are wrong, and producing LayerGroups to be not rendered when they are used with inputImages inputs

Bugs fixed:

  • Possible crash on startup while trying to load stored window states
  • Possible crash when loading projects or presets contain automated sliders
  • When a ClipSynth running with a Sequencer, slot-swapping on Media Slots sometimes doesn't recognized by the CoGeMovie Player
  • When a new Player selected, that new Player does not receive the contents of Media Slots
  • Aligners not restoring custom names when a project loads
  • In some rare circumstances, the BPM Source pop-up list may not contains any elements

New Features:

  • ClipSynth and EffectChain Preset storing and restoring the custom name of the gadget

Bugs fixed:

  • Possible crash when collapse/expand gadgets in an Aligner
  • Renderers may be released on the wrong thread
  • APS can't handle uppercase file extensions
  • Sliders send MIDI and OSC messages continuously if synced or automation set to Mouse, Measure Position or Audio Analysis
  • Missing vertical scrollbar on Layer Group gadget
  • Projects created before 1.3 version may hold non-exists Slider syncing sources
  • Issue with deallocating EffectChains which may result in a crash in some cirsumtances

Bugs fixed:

  • CoGeMovie player doesn't restore selected Media Slot after a project loaded
  • Button's 'Momentary MIDI mode' shows up for Sliders as well
  • Weird delay issues when using manual MIDI sending with MIDI routing
  • Collapsed ClipSynth doesn't show Media Slot's thumbnail image after a project loaded
  • Weird issues if deleting a gadget while it's in an Aligner
  • Problem with MIDI Talkback on Media Slots when multiple MIDI Channels used
  • A threading issue with APS
  • Various memory management issues
  • Other misc fixes


New Features:

  • Adds new Quartz Composer plugin and module 'CoGeMovie' for extended movie playback capabilites
  • Media Banks
  • Video Input Gadget
  • MIDI/OSC Talkback
  • 'Show Enabled MIDI/OSC Senders' features added to Output menu
  • 'Invert Value' feature to Sliders
  • Sequencer can send values on trigger points
  • 'Momentary' control mode for Key/MIDI/OSC bindings added for buttons
  • From version 1.3, CoGe can updates and installs modules with a release
    Updated modules:

    • Effects-Basic: Positioner
    • Effects-Special: Crosses and Lines, Echo
    • Players-Image Players: Folder of Images, Image Overlayer, Simple Image
    • Players-Movie Players: Suppa Playa
    • Players-Text Files: Simple Text File Reader
    • Players-WebKit: Simple Browser, SWF Player
    • Player QC template also updated

    New modules:

    • Control-Stepper category
    • Effects-Special: Fader, Masking
    • Mixers-Special: Cube Mixer
    • Players-Movie Players: CoGeMovie, Simple Movie with Loop modes, Simple Movie with Restart Switch
  • Sliders drawing their values on themselves
  • Store and restore main windows' position on startup
  • Installs various CoGe Quartz Composer Plugins, instead of loading them to the memory when the app launches
  • Adds QC API to let modules know if they are actually in use or not
  • Redesigned Project and Preset saving and loading task, loading a Project is much faster now
  • 'Manual locate' column now has a fixed with on the Missing Files search pane
  • Media Slots can send MIDI/OSC
  • 'fontName' parameter can be used more then once in a module
  • With MIDI sending feature on various UI elements, you can set CC or NOTE messages should be send
  • Handling of 'Missing files' with a project load redesigned, Spotlight search is a way faster now
  • Buttons, Media Slots and Matrix can work with MIDI CC messages, not just NOTEs
  • RAM DISK auto-trasher function can be disabled in Preferences
  • Other misc changes


  • Loading a Media Preset file which contains QC compositions doesn't create Players for those compositions
  • Rendering size can be set to 0x0 or less
  • Media Slots don't handle MIDI CC messages
  • OSC output settings don't stored after quit
  • Renaming a Gadget may cause hang
  • Layer Items in a Layer Group still renders if the Layer Group doesn't in use
  • Color Correction not enabled in various modules and cause problem with non-RGB sources
  • EffectChains and Sequencers with custom name don't selected when a Project loads
  • Collapsed ClipSynth can't restore Key/MIDI/OSC binding for 'prev' and 'next' buttons
  • Internal 'bpm' value of modules can't get the actual BPM value when getting tempo from a MIDI Clock
  • Projects saved with synced Sliders may crash
  • Random crash when CoGe starting by the Preview Window
  • Possible crash with SyphonSource gadget if no valid image coming from the server
  • Can't turn off cells with mapped Keys on a Sequencer's Trigger State matrix
  • FXChain popups may hold a title multiple times
  • The Layer Group can't remove a Layer Item when the source removed if the gadget don't active
  • OpenGL memory leaks with Intel HD 3000 based Macs in 10.6 Snow Leopard when the project using automated effects or modules contains RII patches with depth buffer enabled
  • Show Players button's state don't stored and restored with a Project
  • Auto-resizing media files happens after the FXChain in the rendering chain, but should happen before
  • Opacity slider of the Layer Group item does not restore automation and bindings of 'auto' button when a Project loads
  • Collapse/Expand Audio Analysis may screw up sliders on it


New features:

  • Adds support for 'playback' Plain Text Files
  • fontName parameter drawing font titles with the presented font
    minor UI improvements


  • rendering issues when using media files on layers with different resolutions
  • rendering performance down when using automated sliders
  • missing .tif and .mp4 formats from APS
  • cannot load Media Presets with Presets Explorer
  • an issue which could produces crash while saving Project with Layer Groups
  • an issue with the RamDisk auto-trasher
  • some issues with the Behavior of slider's automation rendering
  • an issue which produced wrong rendering when the Main and Layer Rendering size weren't equals
  • an issue which caused the Project name still got cleared when a New Project triggered, but Cancel pressed
  • preference of Layer Rendering dimensions not restored well with after loading a Project
  • states of dedicated Players for Quartz Composer compositions not restored well with after loading a Project


New features:

  • Auto Player Select aka APS
  • Layer Group Gadget
  • Sliders and Buttons can send MIDI and OSC messages from now
  • Major performance increase
  • You can change the names of the Gadgets from now
  • A Sequencer enable ClipSynth's Media Slot Matrix will give visual feedback about the currently triggered Slot
  • Using fullscreen when no second display attached hides the mouse cursor
  • Enables Open Recent menu item in the File menu
  • You can toggle the visibility of the Player container on each ClipSynth with the Show
  • Players button
  • Speed up project loading
  • Added option to select how the rendering thread should driven
  • Added option to select the behavior for Sliders' automation rendering
  • Some other misc User Interface related changes, improvements


  • A memory management issue with renderers that could caused crashes
  • A bug that caused Sequencers could not trigger Quartz Composer Compositions
  • A bug that caused sources rendered blank frames when was no Effect Chain but the
  • Effect Chain button was toggled on
  • A bug that caused crash when searched missing files with the Spotlight Search function during Project loading
  • A bug that caused crash when OSC preferences changed when CoGe received or sent OSC messages
  • Fixes some threading related issues that caused crash when rendering SWF files or Web pages
  • Method of handling Push and Toggle buttons with TouchOSC
  • Toggle and Push buttons handled wrong with TouchOSC
  • CoGe using the default values as minimum and maximum values for a Quartz
  • Composer Compositions if those values not defined instead of just using 0.0 and 1.0
  • Updated the list of unsupported old QC plugins


New feature:

  • Adds slider-like detected MIDI/OSC assign feature (in the right-click menu) for buttons

Coge Vj Construction


  • Buttons on Audio Analysis won't reset Midi/OSC/Key mappings with project clearing
  • FX toggle button won't reset Midi/OSC/Key mappings with project clearing


New features:

  • Audio Analysis
  • Aligners
  • Projects and Presets Explorer (in File menu)
  • Checking for required input ports for Effect and Mixer module types


  • Cannot add Mixer modules on the whole Mixer Container area after resizing the
  • Master Mixer window
  • Media Preset files won't load on 10.7 Lion
  • OSC BPM receiver toggle button doesn't store/restore state with projects
  • Crash when try to copy a ClipSynth
  • Scrollers sometimes won't show up when needed
  • MSAA glitching/freezing on big rendering size
  • Windows could be placed below OSX's menu bar
  • Project clearing not turns off globals map edit


New features:

  • Adds feature for slider's to set in-out points (subrange selection)
  • Adds new Control module category: Stepper


  • Cannot set up automation for Sequencers' Driver slider
  • Automated sliders sometimes displays wrong value
  • BPM Clock's BPM selector doesn't lists the dedicated 'To CoGe' MIDI input
  • Cannot save projects contains WebKit stuffs on 10.7
  • Replacing automation on a slider after project load sometimes throws an exception


New features:

  • Support for Intel GMA graphics cards (MSAA not supported on these cards)
  • Feature to hide the application when its not the active one
  • Adds feature to remove slider automation
  • Adds feature to use non-latin characters for Key assigns


  • Rendering issues with Intel HD 3000 graphics cards which could cause crashes
  • Fast layer removing could cause crashes
  • Restoring OSC assigns on sliders while loading a Project file could cause crashes
  • Always the first EffectChain applied on ClipSynths while loading a Project file
  • Sequencer don't draw visual feedback after it created
  • Tap button's Key/MIDI/OSC bindings not stored/restored with Project files
  • Mixer's Simple Output Selector and Preview Selector loosing Key/MIDI/OSC assigns when creating or removing a layer
  • Multiple RamDisk creating if Project file launched from Finder
  • Mixer and Preview sometimes don't restore Key/MIDI/OSC assigns with Project loading
  • Hang on application terminate when using Live Video player
  • Key/MIDI/OSC bindings not works properly on Preview Source selector
  • playerChanged parameter for Modules not works
  • Some other OpenGL related fixes


  • fixes an issue with deleting Sequencers
  • fixes an issue when clicking on the Master Mixer's first output selector if its empty
  • fixes an issue when ClipSynths set Stayed-On-Top
  • other misc fixes