Aws Brew

AWS Glue DataBrew is a serverless service that helps data engineers to cleanse and format their RAW data without writing any single line of code. It’s announced just before reinvent 2020. It has 250+ build-in transformations which reduce the overall efforts for the transformation. In this post, I’ll show you how can we use this DataBrew to remove any PII and other sensitive information from the dataset.

On Nov 11, 2020, AWS announced the release of Glue DataBrew. Focused on data prep, it provides over 250 functions to assist. I love all things data, so I checked it out. There are two main types of features, Data Profile and Transformation. I will walk through the steps for setting up and using both of these features.

Disclaimer: In this demo, I have used the dummy data which is generated from the

Homebrew’s package index. Name: aws-vault Securely stores and accesses AWS credentials in a development environment. AWS Glue DataBrew is a new visual data preparation tool that makes it easy for data analysts and data scientists to clean and normalize data for analytics. Aws-okta can also be used to authenticate kubectl to your AWS EKS cluster. Assuming you have installed kubectl, setup your kubeconfig and installed aws-iam-authenticator, you can now access your EKS cluster with kubectl. Note that on a new cluster, your Okta CLI user needs to be using the same assumed role as the one who created the cluster.

Glue vs Glue DataBrew:

  • Ultimately both services used to perform ETL things. But Glue works with 100% code and the DataBrew works with 0% code.
  • Glue can use any kind of transformation but the DataBrew works only with the build-in transformation(at least for now)
  • DataBrew has a profiler where we can get some sense about the data, but glue doesn’t have something like this.
  • DataBrew can get pull the data from S3 or tables from the Glue catalog or we can upload a file, but we can’t use any custom connectors like getting the data from salesforce or something is not possible.

Solution Overview:

  • The sensitive data is on the RedShift cluster
  • The connection for the RedShift and the table is already created on the Glue data catalog.
  • DataBrew will fetch the data from RedShift and clean the PII data then upload it to an S3 bucket.


  • Mock the mail ID with dummy_mail before the @ symbol and keep the domain name.
  • Mock the first 6 digits of the phone numbers with 123-123.
  • Keep only the last 4 digits of the CARD number and remove the rest of the numbers from the beginning.
  • Rename the email and phone number column with mock_email and mock_phone.

DataBrew Tech terms:

  1. DataSet - A table. It can be a single file or a bunch of files in S3 or a table from the Glue Data catalog.
  2. Project - A place to build your transformation.
  3. Recipe - A transformation logic.
  4. Job - A job that will apply the recipe on top of a dataset.

Sample Data:

Data Preparation:

Create dataset:

Go the Glue DataBrew console and select the dataset. Then create a new Dataset. We already added this table into Glue, so select on database name where the table has located and select the userdata table. During the process, the DataBrew needs to get the data out from RedShift and do its process, it needs an S3 bucket to stage the files. So select the S3 path for this.

Create project:

The project is the place where we build the transformation recipes. Create a new project and give a name. Under the recipe details select the Create new recipe.

  • Select the dataset - My Dataset. We already created the dataset on the Brew, so select that dataset.
  • Sampling - Number of rows will be taken for the sample in the Brew console for validation.
  • Permissions - You need an IAM role that has managed AWSGlueDataBrewServiceRole role and a custom role to Read and Write objects to the stage bucket and then the output bucket.

Once its created you can see sample data.

Mock the email address:

Select the email column and from the menu select clean -> Replace -> Replace value or pattern.

From the value to be replaced, select the Regex option and use the following regex as ^[a-zA-Z0-9+_.-][email protected] Replace with value [email protected]

Then click the apply button.

Mock the phone number column:

This is also a regex-based replace.

  • Regex value ^[1-9]d{2}-d{3}-
  • Replace value 123-123

Keep last 4 digits in CARD number

The sample data has a different format for the card numbers. It’s all integer but the total number of characters in the column is not the same. So we’ll create a new column with the last 4 digits from the CARD Number column and delete the original card number column.

  • Select the column and in the menu bar select the Function option -> Text -> Right.
  • Number of chars - 4
  • Destination column name - card_4digits

Delete the original CARD column:

We don’t this original column, so select the column. From the menu bar select column -> Delete.

Rename the email and phone column:

To indicate the columns are mocked, we will rename the columns as mock_email and mock_phone. Select column -> click the navigation dots -> Rename -> mock_email.

Aws Brew

Repeat the same for the phone column.

Export the recipe:

From the recipe section, you can see all the transformations. If you want to use this recipe on a regular basis or use it for other projects, we need to publish it. Also, you can export it as YAML and JSON.

If you click on the lineage option, you can see the visual representation of this transformation.

Run the Job:


This job is saved automatically, so you can directly click on the Create Job button on the right top corner or navigate to Glue DataBrew -> Projects -> select the project -> Run Job.

It’ll ask you to select the target S3 path where the cleansed data will be uploaded. You can add multiple paths(same data will be copied) with multiple formats like CSV, JSON, Parquet and etc.

From the jobs tab, you can see the historical job execution.


This is a small PoC that we can use DataBrew for removing sensitive information, but it has more options to play with the data like Join multiple tables, make pivot tables and etc.


  • For sampling, DataBrew needs some data, so it’ll unload from RedShift to S3 and use it. This is expected behavior. But the unload process happened more than 3 times when I create the project.

  • Whenever the DataBrew project page refresh, then automatically an unload processing happening on the RedShift side. I don’t know the reason behind this.
  • Unfortunately, Brew outputs can send it to S3 only(for now). It may be a drawback for some users. But I think it’s not a big deal.
  • While saving the output into S3, the output file split into multiple small pieces even though the source data was too small. Is it due to parallelism or Glue’s behavior?


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Amazon Web Services recently announced the general availability of AWS Glue DataBrew, a new visual data preparation tool that enables users to prepare data without writing code. While AWS Glue provides both code-based and visual interfaces, data analysts and scientists now gain an easier way to clean and transform data. AWS Glue DataBrew is a service that allows data exploration and experimentation directly from AWS data lakes, data warehouses, and databases. It also touts more than 250 pre-built transformations for data prep automation.

Our Buyer’s Guide for Data Integration Tools helps you evaluate the best solution for your use case and features profiles of the leading providers, as well as a category overview of the marketplace.

AWS Glue DataBrew is a visual data preparation tool for AWS Glue that allows data analysts and data scientists to clean and transform data with an interactive, point-and-click visual interface, without writing any code. The solution lets users access and visually explore any data across their organization directly from their Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) data lake, Amazon Redshift data warehouse, and Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) databases. DataBrew recommends data cleaning and normalization steps as well.

For complex tasks like converting words to a common base or root word, AWS Glue DataBrew provides transformations that use advanced machine learning techniques like Natural Language Processing and apply them automatically to future incoming data. The tool publishes prepared data to Amazon S3, which makes it simple for customers to immediately use it in analytics and machine learning. DataBrew is serverless and fully managed so users never need to configure, provision, or manage any compute resources.

In a media statement, AWS VP of Database and Analytics Raju Gulabani said: “Customers love the scalability and flexibility of code-based data preparation services like AWS Glue, but they could also benefit from allowing business users, data analysts, and data scientists to visually explore and experiment with data independently, without writing code. AWS Glue DataBrew features an easy-to-use visual interface that helps data analysts and data scientists of all technical levels understand, combine, clean, and transform data.”

Learn more about AWS Glue DataBrew.

Timothy King

Tim is Solutions Review's Editorial Director and leads coverage on big data, business intelligence, and data analytics. A 2017 and 2018 Most Influential Business Journalist and 2021 'Who's Who' in data management and data integration, Tim is a recognized influencer and thought leader in enterprise business software. Reach him via tking at solutionsreview dot com.

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